The Basketball Analogy
Humor me in saying this, Basketball is religion. And like any true religion there are many devotees. In its early beginnings there was no one STAR(a figure head i.e a Jesus or a Mohammed). There was a cacophony of players all beloved one way or the other. There were your Karims, Chamberlins, Irvins, Birds, Magics... to list a few. Then came the era of the ONE, in the form of the holiest of hollies, Michael Jordan! Loved, adored and hated but in each instance with much fervor. He was wildly accepted and came to replace the old idols to say the least. In him is enshrined the religion of Basketball. There is no avoiding him once the subject of this game is raised. To ignore him is Blasphemy itself. Beware! for the fanatics will stone you for this. After him were a couple of promised ones, it all depends on when you believe that "the promised" one appeared on the scene. There are those that believe in his existence, in the f...