
Showing posts from 2015

The Basketball Analogy

                 Humor me in saying this, Basketball is religion. And like any true religion there are many devotees. In its early beginnings there was no one STAR(a figure head i.e a Jesus or a Mohammed). There was a cacophony of players all beloved one way or the other. There were your Karims, Chamberlins, Irvins, Birds, Magics... to list a few. Then came the era of the ONE, in the form of the holiest of hollies, Michael Jordan! Loved, adored and hated but in each instance with much fervor. He was wildly accepted and came to replace the old idols to say the least. In him is enshrined the religion of Basketball. There is no avoiding him once the subject of this game is raised. To ignore him is Blasphemy itself. Beware! for the fanatics will stone you for this. After him were a couple of promised ones, it all depends on when you believe that "the promised" one appeared on the scene. There are those that believe in his existence, in the f...

The view through multiple windows

              I am up at 6 O'clock in the morning, time to get up and ready myself for work. First things first, I pick up my phone, I see there are a number of notifications to respond to, but at the moment it is the weather outside that concerns me. I open the weather app, 3 degrees Fahrenheit, real feel -15. It is to be expected, its about mid February in Minnesota. I lay down the phone, walk into the bathroom. A quick brush of the teeth, then hop in to the shower for a quick 10 mins hot wash. I reemerge in my room and get dressed for work. I have twenty minutes before I set out. I go upstairs into the living room and turn on the TV. The morning's coverage of the news carries the usual political rants, end of the world crisis stories and a dash of celebrity gossip. I hop onto my laptop and access my personal email. I quickly reply to one query and read the response of another and proceed to delete several other less important emails (ads, promotiona...


On a entendu parlé longuement du fait qu'il existe une disparité, autour de l'attentat à Paris et le massacre dans la ville de Baga en Nigerie. Ce disparité parle d'attention média que chaque événement a reçu suivant les attacques et aussi pourquoi le monde n'a-t-il pas rassemblé derriere la Nigerie comme on a fait pour la France. On dirait que dans l'affaire mondiale L'Afrique est toujours oublié et on l'ignore. J'accepterais cet argument à certaine point mais je ne me suis pas du tout convaincu que c'est si simple. Oui, dans certaine regard, on ignore souvent les problemes de pays africaines. Mais dans ce cas-là, on doit éviter de jouer la victime et prend de responsabilités pour nos propres problemes. On se demande pourquoi que les evenements à Paris ont été plus médiatisé que ceux des Boko Haram en Nigerie? La reponse est que au contraire de Baga, à Paris, dès de la premier nouvel, il y a eu une très forte reaction et une croissance du soutien p...