Their expectations and my uncertainties
It is exactly a week since graduation, day after day I sit in solemn reflection. My parents, my self, my friends and the general society, all have expectations of me and what I should be doing with my life. Expectations big or small, it does not matter, I need to be moving. Frankly, I am getting fed up with the question; What are you going to do now? My uncertainty of the future greatly influence my response, most times I tell them what I can be sure of, that is at least I have the next year figured out.
I do have to confess I love this feeling of uncertainty, its like a high. That must be why I take a casual attitude to planning, I love to see events unfold without knowing exactly what will happen next. Uncertainty is not I bad thing. Yes, it can be scary and even tormenting, but it can also be very liberating. It opens a world of events and opportunities, anything, absolutely anything is possible. I am keeping my hopes up and my eyes to the sky. So next time someone asks me; What are you doing after graduation? I look them in the eyes, with a smile better yet a broad grin on my face and say, I do not know. Because in that response lies my deepest confession and life open to all sorts of expectations.
I do have to confess I love this feeling of uncertainty, its like a high. That must be why I take a casual attitude to planning, I love to see events unfold without knowing exactly what will happen next. Uncertainty is not I bad thing. Yes, it can be scary and even tormenting, but it can also be very liberating. It opens a world of events and opportunities, anything, absolutely anything is possible. I am keeping my hopes up and my eyes to the sky. So next time someone asks me; What are you doing after graduation? I look them in the eyes, with a smile better yet a broad grin on my face and say, I do not know. Because in that response lies my deepest confession and life open to all sorts of expectations.