When I say BLACK LIVE MATTER, this is what I mean;
Imagine me before a wild uncontrollable fire with a fire
Extinguisher in my hand, it is all I have to beat back the
Flames that threaten to devour me, so when I say,
BLACK LIVE MATTER, imagine me pointing that fire
Extinguisher at the very base of that fire and giving it my
All. BLACK LIVE MATTER is a strategy that directs all
Efforts and concentration on the very focal point of the wild fire. It gets
Straight to the core of the issue and gets the attention of our
Counterparts. But some will have you believe that
When I proclaim BLACK LIVES MATTER that I pin
Myself against you, to say that my life holds more meaning
Than yours. NO! NO! NO! This is the LIE! When I yell
BLACK LIVE MATTER, it is because I have to in dire this
Moment. I am strategically focusing my resources to
Ensure the optimal outcome, nothing short of that and
I risk losing my own life. I call to you then my dear
Counterparts in proclaiming, loud, clear and with fervour,

BLACK LIVES MATTER, that I may save my own.


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