Okomfo Anokye and the Golden stool Good evening Ghana, today is the 6th March 2013. Breaking news tonight, A golden stool descends from the clear sky, Minister of Education is proud to announce ground breaking findings in recent researchs conducted at the U of G, Lagon and Grand mother’s lead the surge for new online shoppers in Ghana. I am Kofi Gyemfi, reporting with GBC evening news, good evening Ghana. We have some very intriguing news to report tonight. As alluded to in our news highlights our great nation is the scene of strange event today. Our correspondant, Kwebena Ofori, from Kumasi has the report. Kumasi, home to the Ashanti’s and the second largest city in our country witnessed something on a mythical proportion today. Witnesses say they were about their daily bustle/business, today being Friday, it was traditionally a very busy market day. Amongst all the hustle and bustle witnesses say it was about one O’clock when some of them witnessed something bright in ...
It is exactly a week since graduation, day after day I sit in solemn reflection. My parents, my self, my friends and the general society, all have expectations of me and what I should be doing with my life. Expectations big or small, it does not matter, I need to be moving. Frankly, I am getting fed up with the question; What are you going to do now? My uncertainty of the future greatly influence my response, most times I tell them what I can be sure of, that is at least I have the next year figured out. I do have to confess I love this feeling of uncertainty, its like a high. That must be why I take a casual attitude to planning, I love to see events unfold without knowing exactly what will happen next. Uncertainty is not I bad thing. Yes, it can be scary and even tormenting, but it can also be very liberating. It opens a world of events and opportunities, anything, absolutely anything is possible. I a...
Sur mon parcours, j'ai appris une leçon. En toutes choses, il faut la modération. Sur mon parcours, j'ai rencontré très tôt la religion. Elle m'a appris la moralité : La différence entre, Le bon et le mauvais. Elle m'a fait comprendre Que, à cause d'elle, l'homme s'est mis en guerre, Il y a quelques milliers d'années. Tous cela pour Montrer qui la connaît le mieux. La vérité est que, Elle n'a jamais voulu que cela soit le cas. Je lui ai Dit au revoir, mais on a toujours gardé le contact. Plus tard, sur mon parcours, j'ai rencontré la Politique. Elle m'a dit qu'elle aussi, subit la méprise De l'homme. Elle explique, "Les gens mes traitent Comme le sport du foot. Les partis politiques sont Les équipes et les gens ont choisi leurs équipes. Soit UMP, soit PS, soit EELV... ils les portent Comme les maillots d'une équipe et ils ne changent Jamais, dit-elle, " Ils deviennent incapable d...